About Jill

I am a 42 year old, married mother of 2 fantastic and handsome boys. B is 10 years old and C is 7. My husband, Chris, is a resource teacher in our local school board and I teach grade 7/8 full-time. I put on a façade of being organized, well-planned, and generally awesome, but the truth is... I have so much to improve on in my life. I don't think I'm a bad person or destined for bad things, but I do think I can be a better wife and mother. What I have learned is that it's a lot easier said than done to make changes such as personal organization, lose weight, and improve myself in all areas. It takes a lot of work, but with 40 approaching, it's time to make those changes - even if the changes start out little and then build on those.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, I would love to hear them! You can email me at applebottombeans@yahoo.ca.

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