Monday 6 March 2017

My fat friends aren't fat anymore

The reality in my life is that most of my friends are skinny. Not necessarily Kate Moss skinny, but look good in clothes and, most, even in bathing suits too. But I found comfort in the fact that I also have several friends who are overweight. They may not have been as overweight as I, but they were overweight and it was comforting. When we went out, I knew they wouldn't judge me (not that my skinny friends ever did either), but I knew they "get" me. Flash back to last spring when the first friend started losing weight. She started on this program called Ideal Protein. I've heard of it before because I worked with a few girls who did it and lost a lot of weight, but I wasn't convinced it was the thing for me. When this girl, J, started to lose weight, I still wasn't buying into it.

Before Christmas, I ran into another friend, L, who I hadn't seen in a while. She looks fantastic! I asked her what she has been doing and again, I hear about Ideal Protein. "Not for me", I say, as I continue to track my points in my Weight Watchers app and lose .2 pounds per week, then gain 1.5 one week.

The final straw happened just on Thursday last week. We had our monthly book club meeting at a local restaurant/bar. My friend, T, hasn't been able to make it to Book Club the last several times because of her kid's sports schedule. But in she walks and I am AMAZED at how much weight she has lost! She and I were likely around the same thickness so this is now becoming really inspirational. She sits down beside me and I comment on how great she looks. "What are you doing?", I ask. "Ideal Protein" is the answer I receive. Another person? She has lost 60 lbs. since May and according to her, this is really slow because she has gone off the rails a few times. Now I need to start looking into this further.

On Saturday, my husband and I went away for the night for our anniversary. We went for a nice dinner and to a comedy show. Then we stayed over in a hotel and got to sleep in. On our way to go and get breakfast in the hotel, I become very dizzy suddenly. Then I break into a cold sweat and my heartbeat goes erratic. I can feel my pulse in my neck and it's out of control. I also have some chest pain and pains in my shoulders and upper back. I become short of breath. This goes on for almost 20 minutes. My husband brings me to the hospital and I check in, confused and freaking out because I am not sure I'm not having a heart attack. After I register, things suddenly stop. I can breathe, my heart rate is back to normal, and the pain is gone. I continue for the ECG and it shows nothing abnormal. Likely what I had was indigestion or some freakish "blip". Either way, it's not good. And can likely be attributed to my weight. I know my blood pressure isa bit high. I know I'm likely pre-diabetic. I know my health is starting to suffer because I'm obese. I know I need to make a change.

I tell my husband I'm starting Ideal Protein after our vacation next week.

One thing you should know is that I've been vegetarian for approximately 6 years. I have not eaten any meat, but have had eggs and dairy. I even tried to eat some fish now and again. For a while now, I've been thinking of starting to try to eat chicken again. For IP, eating chicken would be very helpful when trying to get in all of my protein. Today, I ventured into the first realm of reclaiming chicken in my life - I ate Lipton Chicken Noodle soup - broth and noodles. It was good. And so far, my stomach does not appear to be affected by it. My plan is to have just the broth for the next two days and then start with smaller bites of chicken. I hope to work up to boneless, skinless chicken breast from free-range local farms. That way, the moral side of me can accept this better.

I've seen Ideal Protein work for several of my friends now. I know that it can work for me and WILL work for me. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me. I'm excited to get started as soon as we return from Florida. Jill WILL weigh in and the results will be worth it!

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