Monday 12 June 2017

Ideal Protein - 12 weeks!

I am now 12 weeks into my Ideal Protein journey. My stats are as follows:
Weight loss: 34.6 lbs.
Inches lost: 26.75" down

I have become a well-oiled machine on this program. My breakfasts usually consist of a coffee with the vanilla IP drink. Sometimes I get frisky and make muffins with the IP pancake mix or have the actual pancake with Walden Farms syrup. Lunches mainly consist of salad with chicken and then Newman's Own Oil and Vinegar dressing. Lunch is also when I have my restricted IP product (Dill Zippers, Lemon Wafer, etc.). I find this helps with my weight loss. Dinners are protein (meat) and veggies. Then I have my last IP product for a snack around 7:00 p.m. This is usually a vanilla crispy square, drink, or sometimes the IP chips. I find this routine for eating has really worked for me. I try to make sure I add some different veggies to keep things interesting. Also, the last 3 weeks, I have added in some cheese to my diet. I'm not supposed to, but the extra fat and calories are helping in my weight loss which has been higher the last few weeks. If it starts to slow down, the cheese will be the first thing to go.

I have a goal to reach 40 lbs. total loss by July 2nd which is the date we are going to Ireland. I'm looking forward to sitting on an airplane and not having to have the seatbelt as loose as it will go!

Ciao for now!

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